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's Werelds bekendste adultster kruipt in bekend rood badpak (foto's)

Gert B. - 18-01-2020

De 45-jarige Jenna Jameson heeft de volwassenindustrie al een tijdje adieu gezegd, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat ze niet meer relevant wil blijven.

Want elke vrouw – ook al heeft ze genoeg wrijving opgewekt om alle batterijen ter wereld op te laden – geniet van aandacht. Dat doet ze liefst zoals elk bekend gezicht nu en dat is door de nodige likes te vergaren op de sociale media. Een terugkeer naar de business die haar groot heeft gemaakt zit er niet meer in en daar heeft ze 25 verdomde goede redenen voor.

Ze heeft trouwens de laatste jaren haar handen vol gehad met haar strijd tegen verslavingen, overtollige kilo’s en schuldeisers. De moeder van een tweeling begon vorig jaar met het Keto-dieet. Dat is een koolhydraat-arm dieet waarbij 60 tot 80 procent van je totale calorie-inname uit vetten bestaat en zeer weinig koolhydraten.  Hierdoor schakelt je lichaam om van het verbranden van koolhydraten (in de vorm van glucose) naar het verbranden van vet. 

Het ketogeen dieet baseert zich niet op verzadigde vetzuren, maar wel op gezonde, goede vetten. Dus geen vettige frikandellen want die heeft ze in het verleden al genoeg in haar mond gehad.

Volgens Jenna heeft het dieet haar weegschaal van 92 kg naar 56 kg doen wijzen. Een transformatie waar ze maar al te graag mee uitpakt op de sociale media. Zelfs even in de huid kruipen van de legendarische Pamela Anderson in haar bekende rode badpak, doet ze nu zonder gêne.

Waardering krijgen met de kleren aan, zo kan het dus ook.

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Here’s my first #keto menu for my fellow people that are on this journey with me! 1 cup of coffee with stevia and a splash of sugar free coffee mate. Breakfast- Two eggs, Cholula garlic hot sauce and arugula wrapped in Parmesan Folios cheese wraps (purchased at Costco) Lunch- sautéed zucchini noodles (ceecees veggie company noodles) bought at Whole Foods. I just pan fry them in a touch of butter with salt and pepper and they are so satisfying! Dinner- Korean beef bowl. I sautéed cauliflower rice in a pan and then in a separate pan I fry up hamburger then add crushed ginger, coconut aminos,garlic and sesame oil. I top the cauliflower rice with the hamburger blend and then sprinkle green onion… and joila! It’s so hearty and filling! #ketorecipes #ketoweightloss #ketotransformation #ketodiet #weightlossjourney #weightloss #ketolife

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The number one question I get asked is “How do I start a #keto lifestyle” Tip 1 – clean out your refrigerator and cupboards, get rid of everything processed, high in carbohydrates, high in sugar (remember there are many different names for sugar, namely high fructose corn syrup) Tip 2- Go shopping! This is the fun part! My number one recommendation for grocery shopping is to shop the perimeter and not the isles. Green leafy veggies, grass fed steaks, wild salmon. Eggs and real butter are your friend. Tip 3- discuss your lifestyle change with your household and get them on board! You all can benefit from it! I usually make a side of brown rice or pasta for my toddler. If your significant other doesn’t want to participate, ask them to respect your wants and needs and to not try to break your willpower. 4- Have a sunny outlook! This shouldn’t be torture. Focus on how you’re now treating your body right and be proud! 5- be in it for the long haul. Keto is sustainable and will benefit your mind as well as your physique. 6- Follow fellow Keto kings and Queens on IG. My favorite is @ketoguido 7. Be patient… everyone’s body reacts differently. I lost my first 40 lbs ultra quick then plateaued and had to begin #intermittentfasting to break that wall. 8. Don’t fear the #ketoflu , drink plenty of electrolytes, salt your food and get rest! 9. Google is your friend! If you are wondering about carb content… it’s a quick google away. 10. Always… always read labels! You’ll be surprised how many products hide potato starch ?? also remember my keto favorite snack list on amazon is found by clicking the link in my bio ?

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Coming atcha with another #mondaymotivation . Yes I promote and live by an all organic, whole food #ketolifestyle , but what do I do when I’m in a pinch and fast food is my only option? Here’s my go to ideas for #dirtyketo when all else is impossible! Wendy’s burgers are my jam… I order a triple patty burger no bun, extra lettuce with everything, hold the cheese (since I’m jewish) and add jalapeños. I also ALWAYS order the largest ice water and drink the whole thing! This fills me up! The trick is to not be tempted by other menu items, this is where will power is paramount. If you’re extra starving Wendy’s Caesar salad and their southwest chicken salad are bomb af and #ketofriendly ?? I think the bottom line is to be super mindful of the ingredients that fast food chains include in their menu items. So many of them like Taco Bell, McDonalds and Carl’s junior have keto items easily ordered. I always make sure to ask what they have, most people are hip to what keto or paleo is! Lastly, having a packed perfect keto meal is always best, but we sometimes HAVE to indulge in fast food… being informed and prepared with good ideas will be your secret weapon to staying in #ketosis ?? let me know down below your favorite keto fast food items! #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #ketomeals #ketotransformation #ketoweightloss #modivation #motivationmonday

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One of the biggest excuses I hear when someone starts keto is that it's too expensive to keep up. I definitely understand but I realized the health of my body was way more important… If you put in the effort to fInd cheaper, smarter alternatives, it's a piece of cake, trust me. I hear people say they buy $8 green juices just because it's keto and it's crazy how much it adds up. You DON'T have to break the bank to be healthy – BUY IN BULK. I've been adding greens superfoods into my drink for a while and my favorite by far is the one by @teamiblends. It contains 16 powerhouse ingredients like matcha, spirulina, and wheatgrass and fits perfectly with my schedule, plus it's less than $1 per serving. I just add water but would recommend coconut milk as well. I really like this one because others that I've had gave me a stomach ache or actually caused me to bloat, I haven't had any issues with this one and feel amazing after I drink it! Teami is offering you guys 50% off this product for the next 3 days using code JENNA50 – so really take advantage of this deal and save some ? Discount will change to 25% after. #thankyouteami #teamipartner #sponsored

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It is absolutely possible to gain weight in your thighs and booty without getting a thick midsection. Lately I’ve upped my calories just to run a test. I love how I look with thick thighs but despise feeling a muffin top! So I began eating a lot and not restricting my caloric intake. It absolutely worked. My thighs and hips have made themselves known ? I avoided tummy bloat by not indulging in unneeded sugar, wasteful carbs and fast food. Here’s a little mom hack also. I do sit-ups in bed! I have a bad back and I struggle doing normal crunches on the floor, so when Batel naps… I do leg raises and crunches in bed and it saves the pain on my sacrum and lower back! Moral of the story… super skinny isn’t goals. Healthy well fed bodies are!!!! #keto #ketotransformation #mombod #thickthighs #ketodiet #ketolife

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