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Redactie - 02-07-2020

Er zijn bikini-foto’s en bikini-foto’s.

Wie fotografeert, weet dat licht belangrijk is. Menig babe-in-spe belandde in een halve depressie bij het bekijken van foute selfietjes. Soms helpen de simpele truuken van de foor om er beter/faker uit te zien.


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ME / ALSO ME – Because POSING is fun but sitting COMFORTABLY is even better. Now let’s talk DIET CULTURE myths. For years, I thought if I GOT RID of my CELLULITE, I would be happy. It has always been my hang up. So I cut calories. I dropped dress sizes. I shrank. And I waited for that joy, for that feeling of confidence. It didn’t come. Not even at my smallest. None of these things made me feel BETTER about MYSELF. And now, now, years later, I am softer. Squishier. No longer starving. I weigh more. But my heart is lighter. Because here’s the thing I learned the hard way, The thing that diet ads never tell you: BODY IMAGE starts on the inside. It does. Being comfortable with your cellulite? Your stretchmarks? Your bits that wiggle and jiggle and fold here or crease there? All that requires mental work. Internal heavy lifting. Where day by day, month by month, you remind yourself how INCREDIBLE you are. And how your WORTH, your VALUE as a HUMAN, doesn’t CHANGE even when your body does. Nor does anyone else’s. So today, fight against the urge to measure WHO YOU ARE as a HUMAN against whatever is or isn’t happening with your body. Extend the same kindness to other women around you. And allow yourself the softness of a bit of self love. Because you ARE wonderful. You ARE incredible. You ARE WORTHY. Posed or relaxed, sandy or sweaty or sleepy or in any state. You’re loved. x PHOTOS @chiclebelle @gabrielleph #bodyacceptance #selflove #womenirl #cellulite #stretchmarks #normalizenormalbodies #instagramvsreality

Een bericht gedeeld door Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) op

Een Amerikaanse journaliste, Danae Mercer, toont aan de hand van voorbeelden do’s and don’ts voor influencers. Zij heeft zelf 772.000 volgers en geeft tips en tricks: steek je poep achteruit als je zit en je bent slanker, steek je borsten vooruit en je schouders naar achter, dat soort zaken, dim het licht, zet je bij een raam… . (Zie kort filmpje hier onderaan)


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Know what shouldn’t stop you from rocking that bikini? BLOATING. OR CELLULITE. Or STRETCHMARKS. Or any other silly little thing that society has told us we should be ashamed of. Because here’s the thing: ALL bodies are BIKINI BODIES. I didn’t know this for many, many years. I HATED my wiggly jiggly bumbum. Somewhere along the line I was told it was imperfect and that just stuck with me. But now? Now I’m DONE feeling ASHAMED for all that I am. I’m tired of trying to shrink myself into a shape and style that doesn’t serve me. I’m through selling my joy and happiness to brands that profit from my insecurities. And I’d love to see you do the same. Step by step. Bit by bit. Rocking whatever version of you that feels healthy and happy and strong. Because that? That’s the most beautiful bikini body of all. #selflove #bikinibody #normalizenormalbodies #allbodiesatebeautiful #bodypositive #whstrong #iweigh

Een bericht gedeeld door Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) op

Maar haar populariteit zit’em wellicht vooral in het feit dat ze durft te laten zien hoe het echte lichaam van een vrouw is. Dat soort van overmoed slaat meteen aan bij al die vrouwen die proberen te overleven met het geheim van hun cellulitis.


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How much time do you spend every day thinking about your BODY? Counting calories, measuring your WEIGHT, breaking yourself down into numbers? How many moments go into this? I used to spend hours. Hours. I had an excel sheet. I put all my calories for the day into it. I would go to bed and tick the numbers through my mind. And in the morning I’d weigh myself. It was extreme, but before that, before the illness, it wasn’t. I was a REGULAR girl just doing what girls do: DIETING. Worrying about my hips, my thighs, how I compared. That was normal then. And for many of us, it’s still normal now. If you’re in this space, go easy on yourself. Be kind. Because you’re coming to terms with parts of you that you’ve long been at war with. And that’s hard. I know — I’ve been there. But keep going. Fight for that acceptance. Fight AGAINST diet culture. After a while, self love will start to creep in. And you may find yourself, bit by bit, starting to wake up not thinking about your body at all. Thinking instead about other things: Your goals. Your dreams. Your little fluffy cat. The ways you’ll move that day to feel good. The food you’re looking forward to, not because it’s a binge or restrict but because it’s tasty and good and great. It’s incredible just how much SPACE opens up when we push out diet culture. How much FULLER our lives can be, when becoming SMALLER isn’t the end game. . . . . Quote by the incredible @medafounder. Eco-friendly mirror by @TribeDubai. #selflove #bodyacceptance #iweigh #bodylove #positivequotes #meufparis #inspirationalquotes

Een bericht gedeeld door Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) op

Willen we dat eigenlijk allemaal wel weten?


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