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Yoga-coach van David Beckham heeft wat advies voor cafégangers (foto's)

Gert B. - 03-04-2023

David Beckham, een van de meest opvallende voetballers aller tijden, is op zijn 47ste nog steeds een groot stijlicoon waar menig man naar opkijkt. 

Heel wat venten van zijn leeftijd kampen met een bierbuikje, maar Beckham niet. Al helpt het natuurlijk wel als je miljoenen op de bankrekening hebt staan, waardoor je een personal trainer kunt betalen. Beckham luistert dus braafjes naar zijn Australische, persoonlijke fitness- en yogacoach Shona Vertue. 

Voor mannen die in vorm willen blijven en toch op tijd en stond willen genieten van een stevig glas, heeft ze volgende drie tips:

  1. Nooit drinken als je niet goed in het vel zit. Door alcohol ga jij jezelf enkel nog slechter voelen.
  2. Drink nooit op een lege maag, maar trek ook niet gelijk een fles open als je net hebt gegeten.
  3. Tenslotte, drink vooral wat je lekker vindt en opteer niet voor de light versies. 

Voilà, dat weten we dan ook alweer. Nog maar eens een bewijs dat het leven wreed simpel kan zijn.

Plus: we hebben ineens een reden om miss Vertue aan jou voor te stellen. En geef toe: dat is zelfs door een nuchtere bril een echte babe.

(Foto: Instagram)


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Een bericht gedeeld door Shona Vertue (@shona_vertue)


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Een bericht gedeeld door Shona Vertue (@shona_vertue)

BRAIN HIJACKING – This morning I was lucky enough to come across some Essays by Tristan Harris (ex-Google Design Ethicist and founder of Time Well Spent initiative, Rolling Stone Magazine named him one of “25 People shaping the world” in 2017 and he has an awesome TED talk and yeah, there’s lots of awesome things). Anyway, while Facebook was tormenting me with old memories (like this photo) and reasons to keep clicking, I couldn’t help but think about what I had read in one of Tristan’s essays titled; ‘How tech hijacks people’s minds – from a magician and google design ethicist’. One of the Hiijacking mechanisms that most apps use is by putting a ‘Slot Machine in a billion pockets’ Here’s a little excerpt from his essay; “How often do you check your email per day? One major reason why is the #1 psychological ingredient in slot machines: intermittent variable rewards. If you want to maximize addictiveness, all tech designers need to do is link a user’s action (like pulling a lever) with a variable reward. You pull a lever and immediately receive either an enticing reward (a match, a prize!) or nothing. Addictiveness is maximized when the rate of reward is most variable.” Scary huh? Anyway, I wanted to share this with you because I think to some extent we are aware of our addiction to technology but not necessarily the mechanisms through which it works. The key to breaking bad habits is first learning where and why they occur and I think this article hit the nail on the head. This is why I love to workout, do yoga, meditate, surf, snowboard, skate and even cook – it gets me away from my phone for a designated period of time allowing me to break the unconscious habit. I will link the article in my stories for you to read. #vertuecrew #vertuemethod #disconnect

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(hopefully) HELPFUL MUSINGS ON FLEXIBILITY FROM AN EX-GYMNAST & YOGA TEACHER | . 1. Rather than simply asking “WHAT is the best Stretch for tight hamstrings?” A possibly more important initial question would be, ‘well WHY are my hamstrings so tight?” The body is much smarter than you think, but your muscles aren’t – in fact, apart from adhesions a big part of inflexibility/flexibility comes from the nervous system. Sometimes you’re tight in a certain area because there is a weakness, causing something to have to step in for a weak link somewhere else. THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST REASONS THAT I PROMOTE WEIGHT LIFTING! It’s also why dancers do Pilates, because it helps them to support their hyper mobility (they don’t do it for a lean body, dancing for 7 hours a day does that). If you have chronically tight hamstrings, comment below and I’ll do a post or video on some things that help – they won’t just be stretching. . 2. In the same way that we need to address different types of training for optimal fitness, we also need to do different types of ‘stretching’ for mobility (and flexibility). Just think a 20 minute static stretch once a week is going to undo years of neglecting mobility is going to get you bigger range of movement? It might, in 20 years, if you’re lucky. Short, consistent but different approaches to stretching help. My book incorporates dynamic mobility drills, self-myofascial release, Gymnastics and yoga Stretch sequences and even weight training techniques to increase your flexibility (while also addressing strength and stability). . 3. You’re not giving birth – you’re stretching. Yes I want you to breathe, but not push! The breath should be conducive to relaxation, if the sound of your breath while you stretch rivals that of a grunting powerlifter trying to hit a PB – you’re doing it wrong. Please try to remember this because I promise it really pays off in your ability to get mobility #gainz . Damn it! I should have made this a blog because there is too much to say. Oh wait – I wrote a book that had LOTS OF INFORMATION on flexibility and mobility. Get it from the link in my bio and join the sexy, flexy, strong and badass #vertuecrew

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Shona vertue


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