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Vrouw wordt uitgelachen met cellulitis, verbaast nu vriend en vijand (foto's)

PNWS - 17-06-2018

Vier jaar lang durfde ze geen rokje meer aandoen uit schaamte. Nu doet ze niet liever.

Toen Scarlett Skinner op 18-jarige leeftijd uitging met haar toenmalige vriend, kreeg ze van hem plots te horen dat ze geen shortje meer mocht dragen omdat de mensen haar uitlachten met de cellulitis op haar benen. Die opmerking kwam zo hard bij haar binnen dat ze kort daarna een punt achter haar relatie zette en ze vier jaar lang geen shorts of rokjes meer durfde dragen.

“Ik merkte dat ik mijn kledingstijl onbewust had aangepast. Ik droeg enkel nog lange kleren die mijn benen volledig bedekten. Ik voelde me nooit sexy of aantrekkelijk. Ik herinner me dat ik mijn vetrollen altijd voelde in mijn broek en dat ik me nooit goed voelde tijdens het eten. Destijds at ik erg ongezond. Ik stak me vol met junkfood, snoep en chocolade. Mijn zelfvertrouwen was volledig weg”, aldus de nu 23-jarige muzikante uit het Engelse Surrey.


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Scarlett vond een nieuwe vriend, maar zette haar ongezonde eetpatroon door. “Ik lette niet echt op mijn gewicht. Ik voelde me goed met mijn nieuwe vriend. Ik vond het fijn om met hem voortdurend in de zetel te zitten, films te zien en snacks te eten”, vertelt ze.

Totdat ze zichzelf in ondergoed in de spiegel zag. “Ik geloofde niet wat ik zag. Ik werd er ziek van”, klinkt het.

Ze besloot om een dieetprogramma van twaalf weken te volgen. Dat lukte. En haar leven veranderde volledig. “Ik maakte een klik in mijn hoofd. En door de vooruitgang die ik dag per dag zag, werd ik gelukkig en nog gemotiveerder.”

Scarlett woog in februari 2017 nog 65 kilogram. Nu verschijnt het cijfer 53 als ze op de weegschaal staat. “Ik ga wekelijks vijf keer naar de fitness en heb mijn levensstijl drastisch veranderd, zoals wandelen in plaats van de bus te pakken”, klinkt ze fier. Hieronder enkele foto’s van haar transformatie.


Ok so, I'm pretty sick of seeing this first image as much as my friends probably are too but it's the only pic I have from before my weight-loss so gotta bare with me here… AND I'm only uploading this mega posed after shot purely because I FEEL SOoOo GOOD. ?????☺️Everything happens in waves, but right now I am feeling so ridiculously happy in my own skin and when you've been working this hard, it's nice sometimes to fully cut yourself some slack and just be proud of everything you've achieved. (Nd everyone should be allowed to do that !!!) I completed the @ldn_muscle bikini body guide about 2 months ago and since then have used their guide to devise my own weekly gym routine along with using all their fab recipe ideas. I can only get to the gym about 3 times a week so I train Full Body for 2 hours squeezing in cardio as much as I can. With the stresses of moving house and prepping for my trip, it's been hard to squeeze in but I do what I can, and eat mega clean ?Thanks to those wonderful ldn muscle felllas though for inspiring me to add such a sweet element into my life making me feel great in every way ??????#diet #fitness #gym #journey #weightloss #ldnmuscle #ldnmladies #macros #protein #progress #transformation #1andahalfstonegone #bodypositive #bodypositivity

A post shared by Scarlett Skinner ✨ (@scarlettskinner) on

#transformationtuesday ??- This first photo was taken in February 2017, when I'd hit an all time low.. 10st 1lb barely fitting into my Size 10 jeans, but more importantly, eating the most damaging foods there are out there. I'm not suggesting that a Size 10 or a 10 Stone weigh-in is by any means unhealthy but in my case, my diet was HORRENDOUS, therefore it was. Being only 5ft3 also, I was placed very close to being overweight for my size. I was struggling with 3rd year uni work and my mental health hit rock bottom. All of these factors pushed me to make some changes, I dropped sweets for fruit, chips for salad, alcohol for water, and heavy carbs for veg. ???? I started going to the gym 3/4 times a week and followed the @ldn_muscle bikini guide. (Weights, weights weights!) Fast forwarding 5 months, the second photo was taken last week… I'm a healthy Size 8 and I'm weighing in consistently at 8 Stone 6/7lb. The smallest Ive ever been. However; I don't restrict my diet to the extreme, I allow myself to have all the carbs, proteins and fats that I need but no more and no less than exactly that and everything in moderation. I eat pizza on occasion too ? I know what foods are good for me and I know which aren't, so I try as hard as I can to stick to that, pushing myself at the gym every session too. Living a healthy lifestyle is so important, no matter what size you are but so is being happy… Ultimately a healthy lifestyle has made me so much happier ??☺️Do what you want, eat how you want, but if you can genuinely sit down and say that your lifestyle is damaging then why not try change a few little things? That's all I did and I now feel a million dollaaaaaaaaazzzzzz ?Be good to urself init !!! Thanks @ldn_muscle for pushing me to be the best version of myself. #diet #fitness #gym #health #weightlossjourney #weightloss #ldnmuscle #ldnmladies #muscle #motivation #protein

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With Uni finally finished; I wanted to share a positive lifestyle change that I've been under-going over the past few months… The combination of third year stress and anxiety and a wonderful boyfriend to hang out with every night meant that for the past year all I was doing was eating eating eating. Consuming over 150 grams of refined sugar daily, eating pizza every other meal, and lord knows how many bags of quavers went in my gob ?After taking photos of myself (left) 3 months ago, I decided to sign up to @ldn_muscle as a desperate plea to change the way I looked and how I was treating my body. On reflection their Bikini Guide has been the best thing to happen to me this past year and I've never felt better. ?I'm now vegetarian, I've cut out sugar, controlled my portions, get to the gym 4 times a week and just lived a bit healthier and as a result of this, lost 19lbs/8.6kg (almost a stone and a half), nominalised the excess amount of cellulite from my bum and thighs, started to get abs showing, lifted weights I never thought I could, and dropped a dress size ???So happy in my own skin finally and could not have achieved this without @ldn_muscle giving me the push in the right direction… Here's some half naked pics of my 3 month progress, very happy Bunny ???☺️??#diet #fitness #gym #health #weightloss #ldnmladies #muscle #macros #ldnmuscle #mealplans #protein #strongnotskinny #weightlossjourney #motivation #3months #byeuni

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Thinkin' I'm in the 'Mysterious Girl' vid circa 1996 ? •

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Hiking up a volcano tomorrow counts as a daily workout right? ?

A post shared by Scarlett Skinner ✨ (@scarlettskinner) on

Scarlett skinner Transformatie Cellulitis


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