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Dit populair ontbijt is fataal als je een sixpack wil kweken (foto)

Gert B. - 27-04-2019

Trainen is niet voldoende om af te vallen.

Voeding is vanzelfsprekend de belangrijkste factor. Het is natuurlijk erg lastig, of wellicht zelfs onmogelijk, om alle bewerkte voeding uit je dieet te schrappen. Je moet dus starten met geleidelijk kleine veranderingen.  Maar volgens de gerenommeerde voedingscoach Graeme Tomlinson – op Instagram ook wel beter bekend als The Fitness Chef – is het volgende populaire ontbijt ook een grote boosdoener in de strijd tegen de kilo’s.

Ben je koffieverslaafd en kan je niet zonder die dagelijkse shot cafeïne?  Dan hebben we slecht nieuws voor jou, want volgens Tomlinson is het een absolute dikmaker, zeker in combinatie met de bekende mueslireep. Volgens hem zijn beiden geen waardige vervanger voor een degelijk ontbijt en het aantal calorieën die je via die snelle hap binnen krijgt is namelijk net zo groot als dat van een goede warme maaltijd.

De infographics van The Fitness Chef moeten dit duidelijk maken aan al zijn volgers. Zo zou een Starbucks-koffie met mueslireep evenveel calorieën bevatten als een schotel paella. Maar zo informeert hij niet alleen over het ontbijt. Ook de snacks op het werk, emotie-eten en snoepen tijdens een bioscoopbezoek moeten het ontgelden.

Ach ja, gelukkig maken wij op de P-redactie ons allang niet meer druk over een sixpack, want wij streven naar een 1000-pack.




One’s intuition may lead them to believe that regular consumption of a coffee and a small granola bar is not worthy of consideration regarding effect on body composition. And one’s intuition may also perceptively decide that a big plate of paella must contain greater caloric density because of its size and ‘meal’ label. – – In fact, if a survey was done without any prior knowledge of the quantities of ingredients in either of these two options, most would attribute the coffee and small granola bar as significantly less in caloric worth. Yet (as tinder & bumble confirm) looks can be deceiving. – – An army of intuitive eaters may lambast the very consideration of counting caloric values of these energy sources, labelling such practice as obsessive. Yet subconsciously their intuition must link energy consumed to their nutritional goals. This intuition is legitimate, it is not always factual. – – Becoming aware of the caloric values of energy consumed is not obsessive. It is simply an education on a subject like any other. And by becoming aware of such information, we can appreciate the factual relationship between food and our body composition. As such, discovery of this information should rarely be discouraged. – – Encouragement to appreciate nutritional information of items consumed may just be the catalyst in an individual finally linking such information with their goal after years of confusion. And that is a great thing. Regular grande mocha’s and granola bars may no longer fit the goal, yet maybe they shall. ? – – Paella recipe: 1. Heat pan before adding 10ml olive oil, 150g chopped chicken breast, 2 cloves of garlic. Cook for 5 minutes. 2. Add 1/2 chopped onion, 1/2 chopped pepper, a tsp of saffron, 125g of cooked rice. Cook for a further 5 minutes. 3. Add 75g cooked prawns, 15g chopped chorizo, 2 chopped tomatoes, fresh parsley, salt & pepper. Add 100ml water to the pan and cook for a further 5 minutes on low heat. 4. Finally, a juice from 1/2 lemon & paprika before serving. #thefitnesschef #paella #paellalovers #dinnerideas #calories #caloriedeficit #coffee #mocha #fatlosstips #nutritionfacts #healthysnack #dinner #nutrients #diet #diettips

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Emotional eating carries many complexities regarding its origin. But this post is a counterintuitive attempt to strip back it’s context and discuss it in a measured approach. – – Firstly, in the event of an individual’s emotional trauma, am I going to have the audacity to advise one to simply “not eat it”? Well… Yes. I am because whatever therapies or discoveries you embark on, if successful, they will all end in you explicitly deciding NOT to emotionally eat anyway. And you already have the uncomplicated power to do that right now. – – Whilst debate about the intricacies of human psychology and it’s relationship with calorie consumption seems to be prevalent, we have normalised to notion that food can control the decisions we make regarding their consumption. However, it cannot. We don’t have to be victims. – – Unfortunately, all this does is give subconscious excuse for its perpetual reoccurrence in our lives, especially during periods of trauma. And whilst such events can evoke emotion, pain and suffering, our intelligence will always tell us that food has no bearing on the healing or solving of these problems – this logical voice must be heard. – – “Why are you eating 4 cinnamon swirls?”… “Because I had a bad day at work”.. “will that make your bad day at work better?”.. “No”.. And there it is. Simply ‘saying no’ is simplistic and elementary advice, but it is a clear path towards a practical solution whereby we can take responsibility for our actions and properly confront our problems. – – This subject clearly cannot be solved in one Instagram post and I await critique. But if this helps just one person self reflect and discover that they do have 100% control of their nutritional decisions, and that food may not solve their problems, and that overeating may create further problems, and that they are already strong, then this post will have been worthwhile. – – Yes or no. To do or not to do. It can be this simple if you allow it. ? – – #thefitnesschef #emotionaleating #bingeeating #obesity #nutritioncoach #eatsmart #fatlosshelp #fatlossjourney #bingeeatingrecovery #diet #diethelp #dietips #losefat #loseweight #calories #nutritioncoach #sw

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When trying to manage one’s weight, assumption often leads one to remove bread from their diet, or at least replace heavily refined white bread with slightly less refined brown bread. – – But as we can see, in terms of energy, there is no difference between white or brown bread. And whilst the latter contains more fibre [which may increase satiety], one would be better placed to evaluate total ingredients consumed with said bread in order to determine a more holistic picture. Because bread is rarely consumed alone. – – These additional ingredients equate to additional calories. In this example, smearing on a couple of generous knifes of peanut butter and jam more than triples the total calorie content of the consumed food. Consequently, all of a sudden the debate is not about consumption of bread in the first instance, or it’s colour in the second. – – In a slightly more understated, non pictured example, adding 10g of butter to a slice of bread will result in the calorie value of the ‘bread’ increasing from 95 calories to 180. Thus, though apparently insignificant, it is the butter that virtually doubles the calorie value of what we perceive as ‘bread’. – – Standing alone, bread is merely one calorie variable. Using the example shown in my graphic, peanut butter adds a second variable, whilst the jam adds a third (and the latter two are inherently more calorie dense than bread). – – This principle can be applied to one’s rationale when assessing and addressing their overall diet. In doing so, one can move away from unwarranted demonisation of a food which can be utilized as energy like any other. – – To catastrophize bread as a nutritional problem is to catastrophize a minuscule variable out of many. A calorie surplus over time results in weight gain, not bread. ?

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We complain that we have no time to fulfill the things that we claim to be crucial to the happiness of our lives. Because in 2019, time passes us by with each second we choose to replace alleged priority with empty procrastination. – – An old grandfather clock will confirm just how long a second, hour and day is with each haunting, remindful tick. Time is what we make of it. Ten seconds of joy is more meaningful than ten years of monotony. And 15 minutes spent supporting your nutritional aspiration is more meaningful than hours of despairing complaint at zero progress. – – Though in some exceptional cases it can be valid, to claim that mere minutes can not be spared to gain control of one’s diet is in most cases inexcusable. Meal preparing minutes can be spared each day, and in most cases, at no cost to one’s instagram scrolling, Netflix indulging or what’s app sexting marathons. – – Furthermore, if time is problematic, preparing multiple meals intermittently to save time at later dates is an opportunity which seems ignorant to ignore. – – Recreation and digital interaction may be precious to us, but so are our health aspirations. And, contrary to what we believe, we have an abundance of time to dedicate to the latter. We just need to choose to dedicate a small segment of our lives to it. Ultimately, many small, supportive segments will likely merge into one mightily impressive f*cker of a nutritional achievement. ? – – Recipe: – 1. Make a marinade by adding to a small bowl and mixing: 1 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 tsp of garlic purée, 1 tsp of ginger powder, 1 tsp of honey & 1 tsp of sesame/olive oil. – – 2. Chop up 150g of chicken breast and add to bowl of Marinade. (Leave in fridge for 6-12 hours the day before for best results). – – 3. Pre-heat pan and add marinaded chicken to pan. Cook on high heat for 2 mins to seal before reducing heat. Cook for 6-8 mins. – – 4. Then add 150g of fresh noodles, a small handful of bok choy or spinach, 1 chopped red chill and a finely chopped red pepper before cooking for a further 5 minutes. Add seasoning to taste. – – #thefitnesschef #dinnerideas #fatlosstips #nutritioncoach #easyrecipe #dieting #weightloss #sw

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According to the oxford dictionary, the word ‘Snack’ (noun) is: ‘a small amount of food eaten between meals’. – – If one is to embark on a goal to lose fat, they will likely focus their attention to main meals consumed. They may be vigilant in ensuring consumption of calories aligns with their fat loss target. They may also believe that consumption of large quantities of food from main meals carries more caloric significance than that of smaller amounts of food in the form of snacks. – – The problem is, sometimes there is no correlation between relatively small amounts of food and it’s native caloric worth. A 115g blueberry muffin represents 5-8 bites of food – and 420 calories. Coffee with milk and 2 tsp of sugar represents a 10 minute drink – and 60 calories. 75g of fruit and nut mix represents 2 handfuls of dried fruit and nuts – and 360 calories. The Friday represents the day where one feels they deserve 1 or 2 (or 7) treats. The snacking pattern on the left demonstrates how easy it is to consume significant calories from small amounts of food. – – On the right side of this graphic, the weekly total is over 3000 calories less, yet virtually the same volume of food is consumed (minus reduced portions of nuts and custard creams). There is a balance of foods that require similar lengths of time to consume, foods that one may refer to as a treat and foods that are nutritious. There is also an element of intelligence implemented on the Friday by inclusion of a time consuming food (popcorn), whilst still engaging with colleagues and enjoying a Danish pastry. – – When we are hungry, we should eat. But when we are trying to reduce body fat, we should implement strategic awareness. Adherence to balanced, calorie supportive, satiating main meals should be a priority, but so should adherence to well planned (and measured) snacks which also support one’s caloric deficit, satiety and still provide a disco on your tongue with each bite. ?? – – #thefitnesschef #worksnack #snacktime #fatloss #fatlosshelp #nutritioncoach #eatsmart #diettips #diethelp #treat #caloriecounting #portioncontrol #fatlosscoach #snack #losebellyfat #cakes #officesnacks #officefood #sw

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Just in case anybody wasn’t already aware – making as much noise as you can whilst consuming food is a sport in mainstream cinemas. The desperate, yet ultimately futile ‘shussshhes’ from onlooking movie enthusiasts fall on deaf ears as packet scrunching overlords and straw slurping antagonists continue to prevail without remorse. – – In fact, two hours without access to food may bring out the same panic buying of food as seen by premier league managers on transfer deadline day purchases of footballers. A 2nd rate continental defender with a track record of injuries (the hot dog). An over valued striker who doesn’t score any goals (the Pepsi). Finally, signing a midfielder, despite having too many already (the 2 scoops of Ben & Jerry’s). – – Mindless eating is not a clinical term, nor has it been sufficiently researched. But it does exist. This is when consumption of food prequels any thought of why that consumption is taking place. – – If it did, one would realise that calorie consumption can be significantly reduced by consuming virtually the same items. Popcorn, Pepsi and ice cream can still be enjoyed, but without excess. – – If one can regularly make 2005 calories from a couple of snacks and a drink support their goal, that’s commendable given the probable level of sacrifice required across the rest of their diet to still adhere to their nutritional target. But for most, regular episodes of this style of eating (1/2x weekly) on top of other meals and snacks, will make entry into a caloric surplus more likely and adherence to a caloric deficit harder. – – Both sides of this graphic will enhance your cinema experience and both can definitely be enjoyed. And whilst one side makes more sense if fat loss is the aim, overall diet and exercise must still be appreciated. Such considerations will arm you with better tools to achieve optimal value from food enjoyment, a hopefully insightful movie and progression towards your compositional goals. – – Even if you must make enough noise to evoke enraged vein throbbing stares from 35% of the cinema audience. ??

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